Saturday, 21 January 2012

day 6 continued and day 7

Curry tonight, I wimped out on the Quorn and did a veggie version.  Neither Harry or Mikey like curry so it was just three of us, all of whom liked it but it was the first time I've missed meat in a meal.  I think it was because the curry was similar to those I make with chicken which made the absence more noticeable. I've realised I need to make our meals distinctively different to those we ate with meat.

Day 7, Saturday morning breakfast was always going to be a bit of a challenge as it's usually bacon butties for 5.  Today we had scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, beans and mushrooms.  Everyone ate a bit of something and Mikey ate three Linda McCartney sausages.  They really turned my stomach so much so that I had to leave the room whilst he ate them.  It was the smell as much as anything, they smelt as though someone had died.  Really not appealing.

Tea was pizza for the kids and as it was Matthew's birthday tea with friends he had a pepperoni pizza.  I know, I know ... Phil and I were good though and had a salad with egg and cheese :-)

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